So I didn’t see this one coming… but here it is , staring me dead-pan, into my eyes, with a quite disapproval, conveyed through the slight pendulum-ish leftrightleft shaking of the head…
I have a blogging crush.
Let me start from the beginning.
I landed on his blog through some randomofficehoursbloghopping. The guy is self-obsessed, sexist, obnoxious, and has all the qualities of a modern day Narcissus, not to forget he is a budding musician and has made a few videos, which have supposedly been played on all the supposedly cool music channels. In other words, he is the metaphorical boy-your-mom-warned-you-against… and is a disconcerting cross between the boy-my-best-friend-made-me-swear-off and the ones Dr. Phill-&-Oprah-shake-their-heads-at
My first reaction to his blog was of obvious shock and mild outrage. “Whatay prick”, I must have thought to myself. I think I even wrote a mean ass comment and didn’t send it. The next day I went back to it, and also forwarded the link to some of my friends. By that time I had surfed through all the archives, but horror of horrors, I felt a something-something-fluttering in my something-something, which I vehemently ignored.
The next thing I know, I was hooked.
I was perturbed, to say the least by what ensued....
I searched for his profile on facebook! .. Then Orkut
Then Google..
Went through previous blog entries in a more systematic manner, to ensure I don’t miss any
Read everyone’s blog, who sounds like he knows him
Called common friends and questioned them about him
Waited for his posts
Was sad when there were none… like majorly-miffed-OUT-sorta-sad
Listened to love songs… First alt rock, then classic rock, then blues, then jazz..
Filed newspaper clippings: article in magazine has a whole paragraph about him.
Day dreamt
After being sick of checking the blog to see if there were update, found out about RSS Feeds. Called ten people to figure it out. Got RSS.. *yesss!!*
And Now I have started randomly commenting too … always giggly..always good stuff ..*puke.puke.puke*
I can carry on, but if I do, I will have no other option left but to put a dagger to my heart… and No I do not wanna be a modern day Ameinias
Someone. Anyone. HELP!
How Brands Help Business Solve Problems
21 hours ago
Link plz.
hahahha, Rightttt!
and then This can be the ultimate-est uncool-est thing about me ...*giggles*
No, not the ultimate-est uncool-est thing, quite near it, but its still not there yet.
Link Plx!!
hahahah... Maybe if you quit the Anon thing, I would ... maybe ..*toothy grin*
In that case, I'll pass.
It wont be interesting that way.
Oh chummon... Don't back off... I was waxing my armour, and you already backin off ..*sad, dejected pout*
So who you.. I am intrigued..
Well, if I tell you, the mystery goes away, and I stop being intriguing.
Why would I do that to myself?
hahahah, Well fought ...
We can settle it another way.
You step out of the Anon-gear and I will give you the link?. Fair enough?
No :) Its not a fair trade.
In this present time, my anonymity is more valuable to me than your link.
I think you like OBA from Aunty Disco Project? Am I right? Do tell
hahahah love it! great post ... honest :)
i think it's ADP person too. also, i'm not your stalker. Who knows? maybe its the man himself ;)
Hmm. Could be Omar Akhtar yeah. Could also be someone just as budding a musician. ADP's done slightly more than what you wrote .. like, they've made more videos I think (not really sure though). If it IS Omar, I highly doubt you're going to announce it though because way too many people read his blog.
Interesting virtual romance blog story wese. All the best! ;)
I am not agreeing with you guys here nor am I disagreeing with you guys here...
I am just gonna hahah and wave.. Hahah & wave..
lol you're adorable
also pretty gutsy. posting this
Adorble, *ayeenn*... not so much
Gutsy,...*oink,oink* .. Totally
funny... good luck!
omar just got married though.
are both omars married now? *sniff*
ermmm, strangely enough I didnt get an invite, so I can't really say...
*makes a funny face*
lol its SO SO OBA
lol good choice I say
his blog is yummy
hahaha, ermm....
I'm just pleading the fifth here... *zip*
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